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Argumentos / Sinopsis
"Ulrich von Liechtenstein's extraordinary account of his adventures as a knight-errant is one of the most vivid images of chivalric life to have come down to us. His knightly autobiography was written in the mid-thirteenth century, and gives an account of the "journey of Venus" which he undertook in 1226 in honour of his lady, in which he claimed to have broken 307 spears in jousts against all comers in the space of a month. Some of it is obviously quietly exaggerated, written for his friends' entertainment many years later, and he is not above a sly dig at the conventions of courtly love, but he completely accepts its basic ideas. It is full of lively episodes and good stories, as well as verses in honour of his lady; if the tale has been polished up for effect, it is nonetheless a thoroughly entertaining account of how a knight saw his ideal career in the jousting field. If the name is unexpectedly familiar to modern readers, it is because it was borrowed by the hero of the film A Knight's Tale; Ulrich would have certainly approved of his exploits." (Argumento de "The Service of Ladies")
"La peregrinación al santuario de Canterbury para visitar la tumba de Santo Tomás Beckett es el marco en el que se desarrolla esta colección de cuentos. Sus personajes son peregrinos que representan a las distintas categorías sociales. Junto a una sutil ironía, mezcla de sátira y humor, aparecen interesantes aseveraciones astronómicas, médicas y de alquimia que han sido estudiadas seriamente por especialistas en estas materias." (Argumento de "Cuentos de Canterbury")
"Edad Media, siglo XIV. William es un joven plebeyo extraordinariamente dotado para justas y torneos. Tras la repentina muerte de su maestro, se hace pasar por un noble caballero y lleva una vida aventurera junto a sus amigos y escuderos Roland y Wat. En uno de sus viajes, conoce a Chaucer, un escritor que crea para él un árbol genealógico que justifique el título nobiliario del que se ha apropiado." (
Sinopsis de la película)